Originally posted by TOC:
Superman Returns was released in 2006, with Brandon Routh as the lead character.
Thanks for the heads-up. Perhaps I'll add it to my Netflix queue.

I wasn't trying to imply that TOGOM isn't important to the LnC mythos, because I think that this episode is one of the most important ones of the LnC:TNAoS TV series.

I was trying to say, instead, that LnC is a small part of a much, much larger Superman mythos.
Ah, now I understand. I had been sticking to the LnC universe partly because its the one I know fairly well and partly because, since it contradicts the greater mythos in some major ways, it made sense to me to stay within its confines rather than trying to reconcile the differences.

In the LnC universe TOGOM is very important, but in the context of the all-encompassing Superman mythos the impact of TOGOM is all but non-existent.

I don't think that LnC's Superman is much like Jesus at all. Dean Cain's incarnation of the hero is much too robust, muscular, happy and smiling to be particularly Jesus-like at all.
That's an interesting take. I rather suspect, though, that if Jesus had been the somber, stilted, almost cardboard character that he is often depicted as, he would never have had a following in his lifetime. Certainly, children would never have wanted to run up to see him. Nor would the folks who are considered by many to be the dregs of society (prostitutes, tax collectors) -- people who are not know for their hyper-religiosity.

As for physical robustness, I would imagine that a carpenter, who surely would have had to have schlepped large pieces of heavy wooden furniture, would probably be able to match Dean Cain muscle for muscle.

Really. There are differences. Many, many differences. Large ones.
I certainly do not deny that. To add another major difference to my list: Dan Brown aside, Jesus was not known to have had any romantic interest in anyone. (Although it does say in the new testament that he was tempted in EVERY way common to man.)

BTW, I like the pics you used.

The most Jesus-like thing that I can think about when it comes to LnC's Superman is that he is supposed to found Utopia, which can be seen as a form of Heaven on Earth.
I agree with you that that is a strong similarity.

Thanks for adding some interesting points to the conversation. I am thoroughly enjoying reading what everyone has posted in this thread thus far, whatever the points of view. And I'd like to thank everyone again for being so civil with disagreements. :-)
