Ching: Black suit, black Ray-Bans, Clark. That’s the dress code.

Clark: Yeah, but I make this look gooooood!

Ching: Lose the ‘S’.

Clark: Say, do I get a fancy car and some tiny, high-powered handgun?

Ching: No, but you can have a rod with a blob on each end. It kinda works the same.

Clark: Cool. What about the flashy light thing? Can I have one of those?

Ching: It’s called a Neuraliser, and, no.

Clark: What! Why?

Ching: It’s not standard issue.

Clark: How am I supposed to be the first, last and only line of defence against the worst scum of the universe if I can’t have a Neuraliser?

Ching: I’m sure you’ll manage fine without one.

Clark: Aww, come on!

Ching: I said NO!

Clark: Pleeeeeeeeease?

Ching: Hey look, an elephant!

Clark: Where?!


Ching: Just lose the ‘S’.


4th of July weekend does belong to Will Smith after all.

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.