I've basically overcome my embarrassment about being completely obsessed because I relate almost every situation that happens in my real life to something that happened on the show. blush

Example: I forgot my math textbook in my classroom over night, so I wasn't able to do my homework and had I lost that book I wouldn't get back my $100 book deposit from the school. I told my teacher I had been cloned recently and had amnesia, so it was actually my CLONE who left behind my textbook. The raised eyebrows as he handed me back my book from his desk drawer were worth it entirely. I also got an extension on the homework for creativity with my excuse.

Also, my dog recently had three puppies, so while they're still living with me they needed names. I chose Lois Lane, Clark Kent, and Lex Luthor, but sister told me I was a nerd, so I just call them LoLa, ClarkiePoo and LexiBear when people ask me what their names are.

.talk nerdy to me.