I thought Clois was hilarious locked up in Star Labs and then she was so heartbreaking when she found out that she only had days to live. There was such a childlike innocence to the Clone that I was really sad for her.
Yup, count me in as liking the Clone Arc. (Yeah, I know, some of you are really shocked to hear this. laugh ). Sure some of it is hokey and there are plot holes and OOC moments galore, but it has some wonderful moments, too, both amusing and poignant. I think that FMN is my favourite of the arc. From the moment that we get Clark standing forlornly with his flowers in the hospital with all that darkness and lightning going on behind him...I knew I was in for a treat. Clark does forlorn rather well. <G>

I always saw the clone as just one more of Lex's victims rather than a true villain and always wanted her to have had a better fate than the one the show gave her. A happy ending. Which is primarily what prompted me to write Masques. I wanted people to see her as a victim and root for her. In fact, I was surprised by how quickly they did. I was only into posting the third or fourth segment when people started berating Clark for being mean to her. goofy That was when I knew I was doing it right. laugh

But then the Clone arc was always going to appeal to me because I have this real thing for plots which involve either the hero/heroine losing their memory or someone you're supposed to be able to trust being replaced by an evil twin. I'm just fascinated by the possibilities in such scenarios, so, as you may imagine, I thought Christmas had come early with the Clone Arc. wink

I also enjoyed Contact and really like Just Say Noah. Again, it's main theme of forced intimacy is another one I've always enjoyed, so that was bound to score high. But they are just so cute together. And I never fail to ROTFL at the scene where they appear at the seminar arguing. Lois's 'aw, shucks, really?' attitude when she's ejected is hilarious.

You know, I haven't watched an episode in years...and this thread is definitely giving me the urge to do so...

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers