Oooh! Good one Wanda.

Let's see, I'm sure there's many, many I could choose, but here's one:

peep I'm embarrassed to admit...

That if I'm in the mood to have my heart ripped out and spoon fed to me, that I will watch, rewind, rewatch, and repeat until satisfied - the part of "Home Is Where The Hurt Is" when Clark is so sick and Lois asks him to forgive her. He says for what (but he can barely even talk... ohhh, the heartache) and she says for putting him through this. He tells her she had no choice... we had no choice. Ugh! Sniffle, sniffle. The scene is so sweet and tender and heartwrenching and I love it.

It's particularly good for inspiring angsty stories.

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.