okay. been a little while since the last caption (they seem to be slower these days... wonder why...), so guess i'll choose someone to post the next pic.

using my usual tie-breaking method of "well, who hasn't just gone?" i'll go with jose. smile

you're up, mr olivaw. smile


p.s. for those of you who are interested, the coconut cream pie of doom was a weapon launched by bozomandius, who long ago ruled a galaxy with an iron fist and a red nose. he intended it to destroy his bitter enemies, the inhabitents of alpha centauri c (a solar system about half a billion light years from his empire), by coating their entire planet in a gooey substance, thus asphyxiating them. the deadly pie was launched a billion years ago, at half the speed of light.

unfortunately, as it turned out, bozomandius's aim was a few light years off (still impressive, considering the distance involved, not to mention having to compensate for stellar drift). the coconut cream pie of doom impacted with earth just as clark kent was saying "lois, i'm su-"

clark, with his notorious sweet tooth, was briefly distracted by the surprisingly tasty doomsday weapon, but soon detected lois's frantic struggles with his super-senses. noting that she was struggling for air, he immediately scooped her up and flew her to the top of the pie's horribly destructive graham cracker crust (20-ton crumbs can do quite a bit of damage...).

unfortunately, that turned out to be just past the upper reaches of the earth's atmosphere, and lois suffocated anyway.

clark lived out the rest of his days alone. no lois, no parents, no friends, no civillains to save... on the bright side, it also meant that there was no lex, no mindy church, no other villains, and, most importantly, no one else to claim a share of his lifetime supply of fat-, cholesterol-, and sugar-laden coconut cream pie filling.

the end.

p.p.s. it's strange what pops to mind when you're in the shower at the end of a long day running on just under 4 hours of sleep (the doctor-perscribed method to help you attempt to fall asleep amidst the sound of almost painfully loud music, the feel of too-cold air conditioning drafts, and the lovely smell of the formaldahyde in which the cap holding the electrodes to your head has all too recented been emersed), isn't it?

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.