thanks, labby. good to be back, sort of. well, i'm glad to be back, but i'm only sort of back. not signing on quite as often these days, for some reason, and i'm not reading fic for the time being (long story). but i am checking the rest of the boards, and i'm trying to be around a little more often. of course, with my parents making these silly requests that i spend time with them and go do stuff and things, i'm not on in the afternoon (evening, UK time) quite as much...

anyway, your pic problems are sounding pretty odd. i wonder if christiane's site is blocking access to certain addresses for some reason. virus or bandwidth restrictions or strange firewall settings or something. none of them sounds right, but it does seem that it's targeting certain specific comps or areas.

anyway, in the meantime...

the current pic is a close-up of l&c. they're outdoors (there are some trees in the background). clark is on the left, squinting up at something above him and to the right, out of frame. he's got this confused/skeptical expression on his face with maybe a twinge of disturbed/disgusted mixed in. kind of an "i don't know what i'm looking at, and i can't quite believe i'm seeing it, but i don't like it" expression.

lois is standing next to him, looking up in the same direction. her expression would probably best be summed up by "<sigh> yeah, figures." lips pursed, kind of resigned-looking. more of "well, that's pretty stupid, but stupid things tend to happen around here..." face.

from earlier posts, i'm guessing it's a shot of them looking at resplendant man, but that doesn't have to come into it.

that's the best description i can come up with. hope it helps, and hope you get whatever it is fixed. have fun. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.