Although I already participated in the Photo Quiz, I'm still a newbie, so:

wave Hello, Everybody !! wave

I did a lot of reading over the past view days and came to the - obvious and logical - conclusion that it is absolutely great here! clap clap

Okay, back ( confused ) to this post's subject:

Since I'm from Germany I first saw the show in German.
And it starts with the naming of the show, because they changed it to Superman - Die Abenteuer von Lois & Clark (Superman - The Adventures of L&C). They made it a(nother) superhero television show giving the impression that it would focus on Superman and not the personal interaction between Lois & Clark.

And worse, IMO they even tried to hold up to that in their way of dubbing some of the episodes.

In essence, I think it is a common denominator in most German dubs to concentrate on the A-plot - or rather to fixate on it, though I could never figure out why.
Perhaps they tried to make it easier for us - if you'd have to follow more than one plotline at a time ...

Last but not least: The Episode Title peep

There would be far too many to list here, so I'll just pick my favorites and you'll see what I meant by saying they concentrated on the A-plots and how little caring they had for the B-plots.
1) Individual Responsibility --> Das rote Kryptonit (The Red Kryptonite)
2) Through A Class, Darkly --> Die Kryptonier (The Kryptonians)
3) Big Girls Don't Fly --> Abschied von Superman (Farewell to Superman)

Especially the last one shows how much they cared about the B-plot: They just spoiled it(AHHHHRRRGGG).
Because you know he is going to go in the end, the inner conflict Clark has to fight, whether he should go or not looses a little bit of it's tension, which plainly prevents you from identifying yourself with what he's going through.

I think there are very view (german) episode titles I like:
1) Die Frau aus Stahl (The Woman of Steel) <-- Ultra Woman

2) Die Zeitmaschine (The Time Machine) <-- Tempus Fugitive

Of course, Tempus Fugitive is a much better title, but untranslatable, but it is a hint to Herb without giving everything away - and it is actually creative, whereas Das gelbe Licht (The Yellow Light) <-- Return of the Prankster obviously was not.

Okay, enough ranting!

Time for a final Question:

Did any of you had similar or hopefully different experiences regarding Foreign Language Versions of L&C?


PS: Although it doesn't look like it, I still enjoyed the show, even in German, but it was a real eye-opener (or rather ear-opener) to actually watch it in English - it just get's even better.