My girls, hubby, mum and brother all know that I write fanfic. A couple of friends know too, but I don't really talk about it, and if friends that know I write stories but not 'fanfiction' ask about my writing I keep my answers generic.

Originally posted by Female Hawk:
My husband has read most of my stories. I didn't know he was reading them until one day, we were taking a coffee break from a bike ride - I was immersed in reading for the course I'm doing and he was reading something on his tablet. I asked him what he was reading, he showed me, and I saw 'Tek'. I think I stopped myself from blurting out 'Hey, I wrote a story with a character called 'Tek'. I think he was smart not to tell me initially - what if he had hated my stories? Best to say nothing wink

Aww, sweet. That's lovely. I tried to get my hubby to read after I did my very first fanfiction piece. It was a continuation of the Smallville Season 9 finale and he is just as big a fan as me. (Well, maybe not quite as big). He did enjoy it, but didn't wax lyrical so I never pushed again. He had brainstormed through some ideas on other fics with me but I only asked for his 'reading' opinion on a fanfic piece once after that. It was my first attempt into nfic and I needed some reassurance before I posted it.

He surprised me last year, though, by saying that he wanted to read my pirate story (currently being posted in the Other Canon section - although only because there are SV unique characters in it) once it was finished. He expected it to be more suitable for a bloke. Well it is full of adventure, intrigue, deception, betrayal, battles, etc, but it's also quite a steamy romance and he quite bluntly told me that there was too much mushy stuff in it.

I'm not letting him read my fanfic again lol

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."