Just a curious, general fanfiction question. What do you share with people about your writing? A lot of my family... well, I guess not a LOT, a lot... but much of my family knows that I enjoy writing fanfic in my spare time, especially for LnC or Castle. I have a couple of good friends who know I've done some fanfic writing, and some people at my school. All in all, I'm not totally shy about who knows it, but I don't go around really discussing it or advertising that I write Superman fanfiction. I think I've gotten a bit looser about this in the past year or so. However, I still don't use my real name (very paranoid over the internet and use several different pseudonyms depending on the occasion and subject matter, though I'm loosening on this too). And as far as I know, no one in my family has read any of my stories. Besides my brother, who I bounce ideas off of from time to time and occasionally he lurks around on ff.net to write a one-shot or two. I am perfectly happy with that, and in many cases I'd prefer it that way (anonymity is nice). I share with the people of the interwebs (that's you guys laugh ) and I'm perfectly content with that.

That being said, I have met some people who are the opposite, and like to share with everyone what they do. So I'm just curious about who falls on each side of the equation. Are you a sharer? Or not? I guess I'd put myself somewhere in the middle, because I certainly wouldn't stop anyone from reading it, and it's no secret, but I'm not encouraging it either. So I guess that's the line. (I just realized I tend to fall on that in between line with a lot of things in my life confused Scary.)


Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain