You've all pointed out what I've found to be true. You're either into reading/writing fanfiction or you're not. And if you're not, you have no interest whatsoever in it. I usually tell people I like to write. If they ask for details I'll explain that I write fanfic stories using Trek characters (even though I've never actually done that) just because people seem to understand that.

Virginia, I get what you're saying about your husband's response. It's not that they don't care about us, they're just not interested in fanfiction/writing. It's not their thing.

When I first got into writing fanfiction, I was so excited about it I told some of my 'friends' who also enjoyed sci-fi shows. I was given tons of grief. They knocked the show I wrote about and then claimed I was wasting my time because I wasn't getting paid.

I'm very thankful for boards like this where there are people who appreciate these things smile1
