Re the time-consuming task of listing unarchived stories ... could you maintain a 'running' list? eg Every time a new story appears in the TOCs (and you do a lot of them) note the story and author in a file. Every time a story is archived, remove it from the list.
Such a running list is already being compiled by one of the Index Crew. In recent years, it's become the habit for me to ask her in January for a copy of her list of stories which were posted on the mb during that year but never made it to the Archive.

The list I get just has titles, so I have to spend some time tracking down the authors here on the mbs and getting a hold of their emails/PM. It also takes a bit of time going through the list and working out how many of the stories are by the same author - so that I don't end up sending 20 emails to the same author. It's one of those tasks which is easy to do, but just a little - gosh, I'm blanking on anything but the Scots here...futery. goofy Very time consuming.

In the first few years of doing this it was a terrific source of submissions, usually producing enough of a batch of stories that would keep us going right into the middle of the year. But in the past year or so, it's hardly produced anything at all.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers