Reading fanfic and watching the show, or watching/reading other versions of Superman, can make my brain start spinning with ideas. Sometimes while trying to fall asleep at night, I imagine out L&C stories in my head. Every so often I'll come upon an idea that I like enough to sort of "work it out", either by thinking about it over a series of nights, or by writing it down.

I got REALLY inspired after reading the Death of Superman/Doomsday saga. It was just so compelling. Of course, as I was reading it, I was putting *our* L&C's faces on the characters, which led to a ton of "what if *that* had happened on the show?" kinds of questions.

I think for me, writing fanfic is just another way of getting MORE L&C. I love the show, but I always want more. Funny, I just realized something. For some reason, I think every fic I've ever written has either been set in Season 2 or else post-Family Hour. Season 2 is my favorite, and of course I would've loved more L&C after season 4... hmmm, veddy interesting....
