Oh Erin, Thank you so much! blush blush blush
You have totally and completely made my day! I'm really honoured that you feel this way about my confidence in your ability! It's my great pleasure to read your stories and to write my thoughts about them! smile

I'm giving props to: Erin Klingler! notworthy notworthy notworthy

Because: I have read (and re-read) all of her stories, she can develop her characters and her plots just at the right pace, and you feel drawn into the story: you have to read the next chapter, and then the next one, and the next after... you just cannot put down an Erin'story till the end! She has the ability to make her characters alive for you, and you're sorry when the story is finished and you have to let them go.

I recommend: I love so much Erin' work that I have to say it:every story is fantastic and absolutely recommendable!

If you like long stories (I love them) you have to read her wonderful The darkest hour (before the dawn) ; The accidental husband , When you needed me most , What it means to love you : those dramas are so masterfully written!

If you like monster-long stories, you can't help loving The long road home , where Erin looks at Lois and CLark' relationship with a new and fresh angle and with different premises; all of this makes the story so enchanting and moving! (You can make this one my 'ufficially recommended story' laugh )

Another fic I like is The kiss off co-authored with CC Aiken: I love how this story is "complete", even if it's shorter than the others I mentioned; there is the basic idea of a game, but also there are sadness, loneliness and playfulness, passion, love. Just great!

But I cannot forget her shorter stories where she focused her attention on few or one element, and gave 'glimpses' of her characters' souls and hearts: HiM: the video , Glimpses of tomorrow , Can\'t fight this feeling , Dance of the seven veils ...

So... I'm going to re-read some Erin'stories right now, what about you? wink

Simona smile