Only one person?? Woe!


I'm giving props to ... LaraMoon

Because ... Not only is she one of the most kick-heiny betas EVER (and the most patient...) she is also an amazing writer. Even if she sometimes doesn't believe this of herself.

I recommend ... Her Clark Kent is Batman series, because those stories amuse me to no end! And also Reversal of Fortune, because the detail in that just stays with me, especially the scenes from the books Clark wrote.

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*