Cute thread, Jenn! And since there's a rule-breaking precedent been set already, I'm going to continue it. wink

I'm giving props to: CC Aiken and Lynn M

because Not just because they both introduced me to some of the best LNC fanfic out there but because of their wit and humour. I miss their presence here on the mbs and the fun they created.

I recommend: What I have to choose? Do yourself a huge favour - go run, fast as you can, and read everything you can lay your hands on by those two and then mourn the fact that they're no longer writing for us.

But, if you twist my paw hard enough, I suppose I could whittle it down to CC's The Late, Great Lois Lane and Lynn's Starwood In Aspen. If it wasn't for the fact that it was never finished, I'd suggest Lynn's Haunting Eden (and if you can bear that it was only half-written and has no ending, read it anyway because it is one incredible fic.)

If you have access and are inclined, check out the nfic version, which has 27 parts, rather than four. wink

LabRat smile

PS Lisa and Steph - blush Thank you so much for the kind words. Especially now that I'm not writing and so get no feedback, such comments these days are especially appreciated and quite make my week.

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers