Nan said:

If you met me, no one would be intimidated, believe me <g>
Well, true enough. I wasn't intimidated so much as I was awed. goofy I went to LAFF back in 2002, which is where I met my first bunch of great folcs. Of the people there, there weren't really too many fic authors who I knew, but there was Nan. Poor Nan! I remember sitting at a table with her, thinking "OMG, it's Nan Smith! I can't believe I'm talking to *Nan* *Smith*!" I think I said as much to her (and possibly a duh statement of "OMG you wrote ____!"), but she was nothing but smiles and humbleness (and probably thought me a silly girl for not thinking of anything to say other than that for the first 15 minutes blush ).

And to bring this back on topic a little goofy , I remember the first feedback post I got from Wendy -- oh, boy! I was smiling for a week that *Wendy* was reading *my* story and liked it! Since then, we've become friends, chatted a lot, talked on the phone once (that was an experience <g>), and by the time I met her last summer, I was only starstruck in my head for the first little while (but don't tell her that wink ).

I could go on with more such stories, but they're not really fdk related. wink

Sara (who, if accused of being evil, will blame it on the fact she's been in close company with both Wendy and Yvonne at the same time; it's contagious wink )

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