The first time I got feedback from Wendy Richards I kind of gibbered for several hours before I got up the nerve to email her back.
And I'm sure many of you will be astounded to see as talented and long-standing an author as Nan say something like that! goofy But we were all newbies once - when I first joined fandom, and even before I began to write, there were people I felt I almost didn't dare to approach or say hi to if I met them on IRC. I mean, these were amazing, incredibly talented authors like Pam Jernigan and Kathy Brown and Chris Mulder, who'd obviously been around for ages and were hugely popular and would never want to hear from nobodies like me.

Yeah, right. :rolleyes: Like so many have said, feedback makes our day. smile

But, anyway, Nan, I remember that! Wasn't it your first Dagger story? I even remember the plot - it involved a sunken ship, I think. And, good grief, to think that me sending you feedback left you gibbering... I think every author who's ever been considered a 'big name' has the same reaction whenever anyone says that they think of us as a big name: "Who, me? You're kidding!"

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*