"Another story by ML Thompson? I'm so sick of her. Why doesn't she just give up writing and go away?"
I find this funny, ML, because I am afraid of it going the other way:

"Another email from Lisa telling me she liked one of my stories. Seriously, I get the picture, I wish she'd shut up and leave me alone!"

Not that anyone here has ever done that to me, of course, but I worry about it. That's why I don't email the authors of stories I read on the archive 100% of the time, because with our more prolific authors it will be the dozenth time they've heard from me! But if it's an author I've read for the first time I usually will email them.

Sometimes I try to find the original FDK thread on the boards and comment there, even if it is really old, or send the author a PM if I know that they are still active here on the boards.

lisa in the sky with diamonds