In my latest fic, my readers have been wondering if I am using the correct phrase.

I'm not sure, since idioms are so regional. I'd appreciate if some of you would vote.

Classicalla said:
It wasn’t like her to let something get under her craw like this

Love it! But I wonder how many people know what that means ? (Being from Kentucky, of course I know... <g>)
Terry Leatherwood said:
Hey, lady from the Bluegrass State, I've always heard "stuck in your craw" or "under your skin," but never "under your craw." Must be some kind of Kaintuck thing.
So what does the survey say? I'd like to get this right.

And while I'm at it, I know that I should capitalize if I live in the South, but do I capitalize if I live much farther in the South?
