It's not obvious. The info could be out there somewhere.
I'm sorry, I guess I should have been more clear.

As far as I know, no one has shared, with members of this fandom, the identity of the baby actor who played baby Clark in that first Tempus episode. Certainly there are people who would have that knowledge - the parents, the agent(?), the baby himself - and there may indeed be *fans* who know, but I've never seen the information posted, nor has anyone divulged to us the age of the unknown baby at the time.

I know kids are different sizes. My cousin was 10 and a half pounds when she was born. I think I was about 17 pounds when I was two.
Exactly my point, so you can see why it can be difficult to look at a baby - the one in that episode or any other - and try to guess the age based on size. You need other behavioral clues. And I've never been very good at that anyway, even when my own son was little and I was around a number of infants...


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5