C A wrote:
I mentioned this when I replied to the feedback on my short story, but I think there was a wasted opportunity in "Tempus, Anyone?" After Wells dropped Lois off in that alley, she just carried on with her life like nothing had happened. I'm not saying we should have gotten an entire episode about her dealing with the emotional fallout of the unintentional destruction of alt-Clark's life, but there should have been something, even if it was just a comment in a later episode.

I also don't think that Lois & Clarks dealt with this particular aspect of Lois' and alt-Clark's past. I realize he was in love with her and would have done anything for her, but I wonder if he shouldn't have been a little hesitant to step in for Lois' Clark after what had happened in "Tempus, Anyone?" And why didn't they talk about it then? We got some comments from alt-Clark about how lonely his life is, but a major reason for it being that way was Lois' intervention! Okay, okay, marriage to Lana Lang is not exactly the definition of blissful togetherness--what's an antonym for loneliness?--but at least he still had his life as Clark Kent and his friends at the Planet.
That was something else that bothered me, how they left that poor guy without nary a Lois in sight and never addressed properly what happened to him. Of course, we have lots of fanfic where writers helped him find his alt-lois, but it was kind of offhanded how on the show they just left it with Wells saying he didn't like to use the word impossible.

Why if H. G. Wells can travel between each dimension and back and forth in time why couldn't he go back and stop Tempus from outing Clark in the Alt-Universe? He could have taken an earlier version of Alt-Clark to the other universe just as he did in Lois and Clarks. He could have the opportunity to train become the hero he is suppose to be and even have the chance at a private life. If he pulled him out early enough he could even have a chance at meeting or saving his Lois
I agree! Why not save alt-Lois instead of leaving the poor guy hopeless? Poor alt-Clark!


(Elrond's blessing at the departure of the company from Rivendell)

"Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.
May the stars shine upon your faces!"
-Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien