I think a good story could be written about any of the "bad guys of the week" who get taken away in handcuffs. Do they immediately post bail and continue their crime sprees? Is Superman constantly called in to testify against them?

On that line of thought: how does anyone that Superman catches in the act and hands over to the police get convicted in court? If Superman was the only witness, how does he get subpoenaed? If he doesn't testify, does the criminal go free? How could he possibly testify in all of the cases he's involved in? Talk about Clark losing his job - he'd never make it in to work!

Mayson did have a legitimate point about Superman in "Church of Metropolis":
Do you have a license to chase criminals? Do you ever read them their rights?Are you insured if you hurt someone? You know how much paperwork you make for my office? And where am I supposed to get a hold of you to come in for despositions? Where do you live, do you work, who _are_ you?
What a nightmare for the D.A.!

Here's another point: how many of you have sat through jury duty? You know the part where they list the names of the lawyers, defendants, and witnesses, and they ask if you know any of them? Well, everyone knows Superman! So then they have to determine if you're biased (either for or against) that person - if you would be unduly swayed by that person's testimony. How easy would it be for everyone in Metropolis to get out of jury duty by saying that they'd believe everything Superman testified, just because he's Superman? The defense should be able to bounce everyone off the trial for cause!

(I'm not a lawyer, so I'm guessing on this, based on what I witnessed during one jury duty I served on. It was a drug case and people were getting bounced for cause by saying statements like "I don't believe in the country's drug laws." Maybe one out of the room might have truely believed that, but ten? They appeared to be lying just to get out of jury duty.)

The show had many characters that appeared once and were then thrown away. I'd like to see more stories that continue to develop these characters. smile Susan

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink