Adding a few more points...

It really really doesn't fit in with any sort of continuity. The original story goes like this:

Jor-El sees that Krypton is about to explode. No one believes him. He's been working on a plan involving a ship which can go faster than light, but he only has a small prototype. He can't convince anyone to help him, and events start happening faster than he'd even predicted. In a last-minute panic, he guts the prototype, making just enough room in the cargo area to hold his infant son, then launches the thing out into space just as the planet explodes.

The NK retcon:

Several colony ships were sent out a few years before the planet exploded. The ships were fully functional, built with time to spare, had working hyperdrives, and were filled with people who believed in Jor-El's dire predictions.

This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Then... With the whole galaxy to choose from (perhaps several galaxies), the people in the ships chose a barren lifeless barely habitable asteroid to colonize. One in orbit around a red sun. No one ever thought to question this decision, to move out, to explore other systems... Despite the fact that they had even better hyperdrives. In fact, a fleet including a floating palace.

Then there's the emotionless society with a strict feudal system. And the fact that the House of El, one of several on the ruling council, one put into disfavor because of Jor-El, is suddenly the absolute ruler, with the council serving at it's pleasure.

Then... Oops. Gotta go. Mom needs help.

EDIT: I'm back. Picking up where I left off...

There's the betrothal with Zara. When did that happen? Was that before or after the colony ships were scheduled to leave? How old was Clark? Was he even born yet? And why, if there were colony ships and a betrothal and if the entire society depended on Clark being married to Zara... Why did they send Clark to Earth??

Of course, I agree with pretty much all of the objections others have raised, too.

And what's this about deep feelings of love being common in Kryptonians, but emotions being suppressed and marriages of state and... These people are from the planet Krypton, not Vulcan.

And why was there no mention of them ever again? Not that I mind forgetting about them, but if you're going to accept that they're there, shouldn't there have been some lasting connection? Some kind of contact? If they can reach telepathically from NK to Earth (Nor did that), then why was Clark never in touch with Zara again? And what happened to their government? Just because Nor was killed, does that mean Zara is in charge and everything is fine? Can she marry Ching? Will he be accepted? Is there anyone of the House of El left?

Why did an army Col get put in charge of the attack on Smallville? Why did he show up in Metropolis that afternoon?

And.. I think I'll stop now.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.