I don't particularly hate this arc. It has some moments I don't care for, but then so do many episodes. I must, for example, be one of the few fans who hates the scene where Superman leaves the Planet. I cringe every time I hear Jonathan start with 'Dearest Lois...' It just seems terribly cheesy to me.

Plus, the whole leaving from the Planet thing always struck me as really weird. How no one figured out that Clark was Superman from that little scene, I haven't a clue! But then, of course, there were scenes later where you had to wonder (and many authors have <G>) how the entire planet hadn't figured it out by the time Nor was kicked into touch.

I found the New Krypton characters not very interesting and I've never been really interested, in the main, with fanfic that delved deeper into their characters or New Krypton - although there have been some great exceptions to that over the years.

I thought the tests were silly.

So, mainly, I tend to be bored or skip past the moments that dwell on Zara and Ching and so on.

But, on the whole, I enjoy it a lot and, the scenes with Lois and Clark and Martha and Jonathan are, as Anna, said among some of the most emotionally intense, touching, angsty, and WAFFy in the show and those I do love and are among some of my favourites. The sweater scene, Clark looking at his wedding ring, Lois walking down the street and mistaking a stranger for Clark...and many more.

Also it has some terrific comic moments, which I love. Who couldn't fail to goofy

I tend to enjoy the S4 half of the arc more than the S3 half. Not sure why that is. Except that LNC are back together in that and working together to face the threat, maybe.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers