I have to agree with several of Carol's points.

1. The Last Son of Krypton - is a key element for me of Superman. This story for me negated a lot of the episode of "Foundling". The feverish drive to build a ship - a ship only an infant could fit in. Obviously they had the technology to build bigger ships. So that leaves a question of why a bigger ship could not have been built to house at least Lara and Kal-El or even all three of them. I understand that Lara would be reluctant to leave Jor-El but that would ultimately be overridden by her desire to go with Kal-El to raise and protect him and Jor-El's urging her to do so. Plus the look of the ship etc.

2. After Strange Visitor there is never any hint that Clark knows where his ship is, including that it was in Smallville during GGGoH. Now after Home...Hurt Is we call all speculate that maybe Clark and Lois think Mindy Church has it. Maybe not though, because in the episode they seem to buy the fact that Joey worked alone. I can't believe that Mindy left his ship for anyone to find. It could still be valuable. If she had time to set up Joey, she had time to get the ship away. So how the heck does Clark know where it is (since we know it's not in his possession). Then there is the question of how they got to it with no one appearing to know it. Then again if he had known where it was why hadn't he taken by now. Plus how did Mindy find out about it and was able to buy it.

To have Bureau 39 die after Jason Trask doesn't seem logical to me. There seemed to be too many followers and the way Trask sent them on their way before he went to the Kent farm at the end they would still be out their. Also look what happens in this arc with the military (particularly Col. Cash) and Superman. To me B39 is a live and kicking somewhere so they would not sell off the ship, they would keep it somewhere very, very safe.

3. The Planet goodbye scene. It's been said.

I also had a huge problem with them doing the 180 and returning to earth. They missed out on so much to be explored that thankfully some of the writers here have explored. I also thought it was very convenient with all there technology that there was no way Lois could go because in all the different planets I'm sure they could have found to colonize they found one so close to Krypton that it would be to hostile for human life.

I guess one of my biggest problem with the arc was also the actors picked to play Zara and Ching. Justine Bateman was adequate but barely and Jon Tenney well can't stand him really and not because of Teri. Just don't like his acting and as Ching he was too over the top - a stiff brute. He is after all only a Lieutenant who should obey Zara without question and yet he overrides her concerns and is down right nasty at times to her. Then in 3&4 we have a new actor who plays him as a stiff whimp.

I guess in the L&C/Superman mythology I rank this arc as not really a part of it. I basically dismiss it as a what if. Yes there are some great scenes but are we sure the people responsible for this arc aren't working on Smallville.