Just a thought: we hear of so-called 'quickie' divorces in places like Reno. I assume they wouldn't be recognised in New Troy anyway, but would that be a semi-solution in the interim, at least to make your unnamed character wink feel a little better?

But I don't know how these 'quickies' work - do both parties need to be present, or at least to have signed a document saying that they agree? Though the unnamed character may have a means of persuading her murdering husband to agree... wink

Edit: answered my own question. See \'quickie\' out-of-state or out-of-country divorces and another from the same site. And also this on the the divorce process generally .

So if her husband were agreeable, and your character were willing to take up residence for six weeks in Nevada, there's a chance she could be divorced legally a lot sooner, if New Troy recognises Nevada divorces. wink

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*