Let's see... Martha and Jonathan. I do okay with Martha, I guess... But I feel I'm too generic, too many "stock" phrases come out. "Oh, you poor dear!" That type of thing. So I'd say those are my two problem characters. Thank goodness my current wip is in the alt world. laugh Though... I might have Lex in this story and that worries me since I've never attempted him before. frown We'll see what happens.

Now, as for who I *can* write... Well, I've found that I'm having an incredibly good time with alt-Clark. I don't think I'll ever be able to match Yvonne, Queen of Torturing Alt Clark, but I feel I'm doing pretty well. <g> Lois and Clark don't give me *too* much trouble... for the most part, though I certainly don't consider myself an expert. :p

There's this other character in my new wip that the muse is really starting to grow fond of... so this should be good. laugh

I know this is a character thread... but can I just mention how much trouble I have with action? I'm not talking about bombs and shoot 'em up action, I'm talking about getting L&C from the apartment to the car! Does anyone else find that troubling? You know, without just saying: Lois and Clark went down to her jeep, got in, buckled their seat belts... Lois started the car and started driving to their destination... then the dialogue resumes.

See what I mean? goofy

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