I wrote a Jimmy fic or two a while ago. They are in the Purple Chaos series, which is a Marvel Xover. It's in the archives. You can also find it on my web site and on ff.net.

I don't think Jimmy is uninteresting. On the contrary, he's a good supporting character with an interesting background and skills that could be expanded on. There's his father who's a spy, all of his computer skills (he probably has some hacking knowledge, even if he only uses it for his job when he has to). Also, considering his friendship with Jack, he probably knows how to pick locks. I think a character like that would be interesting to develop.

8. Do you think a retarded child would be *more* likely or *less* likely to figure out CK=S? A deaf child? Blind?
Hmm...it depends on the severity of the disability. Does this disabled child have any super powers, or are they normal otherwise? I think a disabled child would figure it out because everyone would underestimate them, and thus be less careful what they say or do around them. L&C might not, but the siblings probably would.

As to number of children, I do think that 5 is a bit too many, especially if they all have super powers and/or one is disabled. Between 2 and 4 would be more realistic, IMHO.

I believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams. -- Aunt May, Spider-Man 2