Jimmy's not an uninteresting character, he's just not enough considered. I think he needs some talented writers to pull him out his "supporting character" status
I agree, Carole. smile

That's why I let Jimmy play an important part in my fic 'There's Always Something'. I wanted him to evolve and 'grow up', just as Clark and Lois did. He doesn't steal their thunder, mind you; to me he is, and always will be, a supporting character. But Jimmy is as important to Lois and Clark as are Perry White and Martha and Jonathan Kent. I can't imagine L&C without these four wonderful characters being part of their lives.

That doesn't mean they always have to be included in a story; we all have our favorite characters and storylines from the series that we like to explore. That's what makes our fandom so diverse and the stories often so exciting! thumbsup


Lois: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark: You certainly are unique.

Clark: You're high maintenance, you know that?
Lois: But I'm worth it!