Can't tell for all the divorce-marriage-US law related question... which doesn't leaves me much to answer except maybe question 4.

There are Jimmy stories... great ones even. I just can't remember their titles. I did write one (a total crap, honest) 'cause I thought that Jimmy character ought to step out of the shadows of his archive or net researches. I mean, how come Bill Gates hasn't already get rid of the competition by either trying to hire or kill him ?

Which is why, though I totally like the irony and acuity of it, I have to disagree with Tank's answer...

Easy... Jimmy is a terribly uninteresting character. He has no real purpose beyond intruding on moments of intimacy between Lois and Clark, and occassional plot exposition in the form of 'research'.
Jimmy's not an uninteresting character, he's just not enough considered. I think he needs some talented writers to pull him out his "supporting character" status and have him steal Lois and Clark's shine for a change.

Scratch that, it's not even steal their shine, it's get what he deserves: a front page article, a decent salary and... a real girlfriend and/or partner so he doesn't have free time to intrude on L&C intimacy moments. He's got good instincts and he could make a terrific photojournalist, for starters.

Frankly, without Jimmy's input at crucial moments, how many front pages would Lois, Clark or the Lane and Kent team have gotten? And would Perry White be the Planet's EiC we know without its appointed goofer?

Carole (who'd better switch into DS mode) smile1