Yep, the "walk on water" quote is from Just Say Noah.

You know, that boy'll walk on water for you. Or drown trying.
And from the copy of the Vatman script that I have:

Lois... you'd be surprised. You...
Metropolis has a stronger hold on Superman than you may think.
And from HIWTHI (I always think of Hiawatha when I see that wink ):

INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - BEDROOM AREA - NIGHT Ellen lies on the bed; Lois changes the cold compress overher eyes. Clark enters with paper bag.

Lois, I put the word out to every snitch we know to see what's goin' on with crime in Metropolis
(pulls bottle from bag) And here's the aspirin you wanted.

I doubt a pill can relieve years of neglect and betrayal.

Try two. Thanks, Clark.

He goes. Ellen sits up, nods in Clark's direction.

Tell me the truth, what do you know about him? Don't make the same mistake I did!

Mother, don't do this. You're projecting your troubles with Daddy onto Clark and me. We're

Sure. You think you know Clark. I thought I knew your father. He was a brilliant surgeon, I was his loyal nurse. We had it all, but
apparently it wasn't enough for Sam.

LOIS (gently)
I know. It was really a bad thing that happened. But at some point I had to decide whatever hell Daddy was going through was _his_, and not let it wreck the rest of my life. And... I think you should stop letting it wreck yours.

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