I have a list of 22 quotes from the series that I plan to use in a fan fiction (yeah, that one dizzy ) that show how L&C's relationship changes over the course of the series, but I could possibly use more. At the very least, I'm pretty sure I haven't found all that might apply. So, I'm hoping this gang can help me double-check to see what I'm missing without me having to rewatch the entire series just to find each one. Not that that would be a problem but it would save a lot of writing time if I knew where to look first. wink

Quotes that would be appropriate for this fall into in three distinct categories:

1) Lois or Clark specifically talking about or describing the other to whomever. In her case, it doesn't matter whether she's talking about Clark or Superman pre-revelation or just "him" once she knows. Primarily what I'm looking for is how they perceive each other at that moment or how that perception may have changed.

2) Lois or Clark (or even Superman) talking about their relationship. Again, this can either be their perceptions of what their relationship is currently or how it's changed since they met.

3) Other people talking about any of the above, i.e. Lois, Clark, Superman and/or their relationship(s). I don't intend to use many of these, but there are a couple of places where an "outside" observation may be more on the mark than one of their own.

So, any suggestions? Please make sure you at least indicate the episode and if possible the scene so I can get the exact wording down later.

Also, and this just occurred to me, has anyone already compiled a list of this nature? I know about Zoomway's episode guide/compendium and got some of the ones I have from it but those tend to be the "best" quotes from an episode. Best quotes are not necessarily ones about them or their relationship so I'm hoping there may be even more that I haven't found yet. To tell the honest truth, I would love to have a quote from each episode but I suspect some episodes may not have one. Others may have two or more, though, so it could even out in the end.

And before anyone asks, I would post those I have already but since I’ll be collecting the ones suggested here into my list anyway, I'll be happy to post them all as a summary later if anyone is interested in seeing the full list in episode order.

Or I could just finish the story instead . . . laugh

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"