Okay, I'm caught up getting them into the list and only have three that are questionable so far.

I think this was in Vatman (?), Clark telling Lois that "You... Metropolis means more to Superman than you think."
I already have this one but quoted Lois instead of Clark. For formatting reasons and clarity's sake, I'm trying to only quote one person each time, I'm not sure I can work his response in, but we'll see.

And then there's Perry's line about Clark walking on water for Lois, or he'd die trying.
I have seen this one quoted in sigs so many times I should know which episode it's in but I'm drawing a complete blank. Any ideas?

Lois talking to her mother, who is lying in bed and Lois gives her aspirins, in the show about the father's robot girlfriend. I think I remember her talking a bit about her relationship with Clark. (?)
Again, I can see this scene in my head and can almost name the episode but I think I’m confusing two episodes with each other. Was that robot in HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS or not? I know she was in a Christmas episode but I can't remember if HIWTHI was a Christmas one or not.

Now, while I'm thinking of it, would it help jog memories if I went ahead and posted the list plus what's been suggested so far?

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"