I am completely unable to write in a pure linear fashion - some scenes are too exciting to wait to get to. My biggest writer's block usually comes when I have to actually link scenes together and fill in the missing "from here to there" scenes.
Oh, totally agree, Lynn! This is my worst problem - filling in the stuff between the exciting, juicy scenes I've wanted to write since the story first popped into my head. So I cheat and jump ahead when I'm really stuck. The good news is that some of the filling-in stuff between the juicy scenes can actually turn out to be the best parts of the story. Just let your mind go into free fall and it's amazing what emerges at times.

Otherwise, I think I've tried just about every suggestion on this thread. They all work - but of course, you never know which one will work the best at any given time, which isn't really fair, is it? <g>

The other thing to do is not to fret about the block. I mean, we're doing this for fun, right? So what if you haven't got a single idea in your head right now? You know you've had ideas in the past, and the chances are pretty high that you'll get some more in the future. So just sit back, relax, and when you least expect it, a new idea will hit you smack between the eyes. Trust me. laugh
