There are lots of different cures for writer's block, but all of them require the one thing you wish it wouldn't - time. goofy

Putting it away for a while and working on something else (something completely different in tone) can help. Or putting it away, period. smile A brisk walk or some other form of exercise might do the trick, or a baking session with your kids (if you have any wink ) - in short, anything that has absolutely nothing to do with the writer's block you're struggling to overcome! Distraction is the key, I've always found.

Another excellent method is going somewhere without pencil or paper or handheld or any other kind of recording implement. The perfect scene is sure to flash into your mind then. laugh

Good luck, either way! We await your triumph with bated breath. smile


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827