Ooh! One of my very favourite fics, ever - Strangers by Missy Gallant smile

Apologies if this one has been done before - I just re-read it today, and I couldn't resist wink

"That new kid they hired downstairs still has a lot to learn. Would you believe he doesn't know his alphabetical order backwards? *I* had to help him with the research for Harrington's background. He couldn't even find his way through Who's Who. Anyway, I've got pretty much all I need on him now, and it looks like Harrington's past is way too clean." A gulp of coffee was swallowed in great haste before another flood of words hit Clark. "Too clean for a politician anyway. Makes me suspicious right away, and from what I saw the other night I'm sure I'm right. Clean politicians don't take cash from guys with police records as long as Hobb's River. Jimmy!!"

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black