Finally!!! It sounded familiar... :rolleyes:
Connections: An Alternate Story by Carol Malo

"This is Clark's room," Martha told Lois, opening a door near the head
of the stairs. Lois followed her in and looked around.

"It looks like him," she said, surprising herself. The room had
obviously belonged to a boy, later a young man. On the dresser was a
picture of a much younger Clark, standing between his parents and
grinning at the camera. The walls were decorated with posters, pennants
and framed awards for both academic and athletic excellence. Several
trophies were arranged on a shelf situated on one wall, along with
several carefully assembled plastic models of planes and cars.

Martha chuckled. "We keep it like this. When he visits, he likes to
see it the way it was when he lived here." She stepped out into the
hall once more. "Just make yourself at home, Lois."
Jose smile1

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot