I know this. It's CCMalo's Yesterday Upon the Stair. What a wonderful story. Does this mean I have to find something.

I'll be back...and here I am wink

Lois Lane pulled a sweater over her thin blouse to guard
against the chill of the evening and raked a cursory comb
through her hair. She took her wallet out of her purse and
slipped it into her pocket before heading out the door. She
needed a good, long walk, with time to think things through.
She had no idea what Clark wanted to discuss in the morning,
but she had more than a few things to "discuss" with *him*!

Lois ran lightly down the steps of her apartment building and
turned right, setting off at a brisk pace. As the dusk deepened
into full night, Lois walked restlessly through the streets,
trying to get her whirling thoughts into some semblance of
order. She'd said her final good-byes to Dan, and proposed that
she and Clark take the "next step." Yet he still backed away
from her, still disappeared at the oddest moments and most
infuriating times. Now he'd invited her to breakfast in the
morning, but for what reason? When he called her on the phone,
he seemed too purposeful for this to be merely a casual
breakfast date. No, he had definitely had something in mind.
But what?

Maybe some chocolate would help... Her hand reached for her
wallet as she scanned her surroundings, trying to determine her
exact location. She smiled as she saw she was only half a block
away from Lincoln Street, which meant there was a 7-11 right
around the corner. She felt desperately in need of some
gratuitous calories right now.


Startled out of her thoughts, Lois turned her head and blinked
at the revolver pointed at her nose.

"In here. Now."