Ambition by Tank and Wendy smile1

Lois Lane stared out of the window of the 727 winging its way
across the United States: destination Metropolis. In the
distance, the cotton candy clouds appeared to hang in the sky by
strings, it wasn't evident that the plane was moving by their
standards; but by judging the speed against the feathery
confections that were brushing the plane wings, time was not
standing still in the sky. She took a deep breath and tried to
relax but her misgivings increased by the mile in anticipation
of the plane finally landing.

The decision to return to the large city had not been easy, the
prospect of starting over unsettled her, but Metropolis was in
her blood. Even more so than the action packed city, journalism
was in her soul; working briefly at a small paper on the West
Coast didn't compare to the way she felt while working at the
Metropolis Star. She tried to separate the two, but it took her
four long months to finally sort out that it wasn't journalism
unless she was working in Metropolis.
Jose hyper

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot