That Superman of Mine by ... the ToGoM obs... fan Wendy Richards :p

Trask removed his sidearm from its holster, holding it up
as he paced around Clark's crumpled form. Exhausted from
the effort of destroying the Kryptonite, Clark lacked the
strength to defend himself.

"Now, let's see. Who should go first? You, or the human
traitors who have sheltered you all these years?" Trask
smirked down at his victim before turning toward the shed.

Suddenly his weakened state became immaterial. No force on
earth would keep him pinned to the ground while Trask
threatened his parents. Summoning up the strength
possessed by all creatures when facing certain death at the
hands of a merciless predator, Clark lunged at the man,
preparing for the impact of the metal slug that would no
doubt come speeding out of the barrel of Trask's handgun.
Instead, the only contact he felt was his own body
colliding with Trask's. The older man was sent tumbling to
the ground, but Clark was still in far worse shape.
Jose wave

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot