1)Do you fdk all of them, only the ones you like, only the ones you have something to comment on them, only the ones written by your friends...?
I write comments about the stories that I like *and* have something to say about.

2) Do you always try to be "the nice guy"? If you don't like something, you just say that you like it, you say nothing, or you say politely you didn't like it?
Mostly I write to praise. However, if I don't think that Lois or Clark or somebody else act against their character or the plot is not believable, I say so. I may also disagree with the morals or desicions of the characters.

I think the chief point is plausibility *within* a story. I mean, we all accept that Superman can fly etc., but there are things we just couldn't believe Clark wouldn't do, f.ex tell his secrets to strangers. If he did so, he must have very good reasons.

Or just a little detail: Lois loves chocolate icecream. She could fancy different food but it must be in according to her character.

3) When you like something very much, do you let your enthusiasm show, or you just say "it was very good"? Also, do you fake to be excited when it is about a story that wasn't so good, or when it is a *good* story but not a *great* one?
Hopefully I let my enthusiam show - but actually the writers should comment on this.

4) If you are a writer too, do you feel offended when someone says they didn't like something on your story (or even your whole story)?
Though I mostly write essays etc., I enjoy myself by writing stories (though not fanfic). Usually I take criticism quite calmly: it concerns my *texts*, not *me*.

However, once I was mortified half a hour, because someone called my heroine *cold*. To my mind, she wasn't. Then I thought: perhaps I couldn't describe her aright.
