1)Do you fdk all of them, only the ones you like, only the ones you have something to comment on them, only the ones written by your friends...?
If I like a story, I will most definately comment on it. If I didn't like a part of it, I'll typically say what I think needs to be done to fix it up a little bit. I don't only comment on my friends' stories since I don't have any real close friends on the MBs yet since I'm pretty new.
2) Do you always try to be "the nice guy"? If you don't like something, you just say that you like it, you say nothing, or you say politely you didn't like it?
Sometimes if I know the author has already taken a lot of heat on one part of a story, I definately won't keep drilling it into their head that I didn't like it either because surely after a while they get the idea. If I didn't like a part, I'd tell them, but I wouldn't say something like "OMG I hate this part! You have to change it right now! It really sucks!" I mean I'm just not that mean!
3) When you like something very much, do you let your enthusiasm show, or you just say "it was very good"? Also, do you fake to be excited when it is about a story that wasn't so good, or when it is a *good* story but not a *great* one?
I try to show that I REALLY liked the story if I thought it was great. Usually I'll put exclaimation marks, or something like that... if I just thought it was *good* then I'll say something like "Good job, keep it up"
4) If you are a writer too, do you feel offended when someone says they didn't like something on your story (or even your whole story)?
I haven't written anything for Lois & Clark yet, but when I do have time to start putting some of my ideas down, I want brutal honesty! I don't care how mean it sounds, but I won't be offended by someone telling me how they really feel about it. I mean if they're just bashing it because they don't like me, then sure I'm not going to be too happy, but if it's constructive criticism, I won't mind at all.


Clark: You are really high maintenance, you know it?
Lois: But I'm worth it.

Clark: Not exactly what you had in mind, huh?
Lois: Let's see. So far I've been given a glimpse of ritual crop worship, been treated as your girlfriend, and insulted your parents. No, I couldn't have planned this.