Ooh, interesting questions... I'm gonna give my answers frist, then read what everyone else said...

1)Do you fdk all of them, only the ones you like, only the ones you have something to comment on them, only the ones written by your friends...?
I *try* to comment on all the ones I read, but I don't read all of the stories going at any one time.

2) Do you always try to be "the nice guy"? If you don't like something, you just say that you like it, you say nothing, or you say politely you didn't like it?
Well, I try to be polite smile but there have been occasions where I've really disliked/disagreed with something in the story, and have said something about it. If it's just a story that doesn't particularly click with me, I may not say anything. When I do comment, I always try to find something positive to say, and I don't like to point out what I see as a problem without also suggesting a possible alternative.

When I critique, I *try* to make it as emotion-neutral as I can -- I'm giving my opinion, but just as information so the author can decide whether or not to change anything. I'm not in charge, and I don't have the One True Vision of what fanfic should be like smile

Now, I'll present that differently depending on who I'm talking to -- with friends, I think there's less danger of something being taken personally -- but that's my attitude underneath.

3) When you like something very much, do you let your enthusiasm show, or you just say "it was very good"? Also, do you fake to be excited when it is about a story that wasn't so good, or when it is a *good* story but not a *great* one?
When I'm enthusiastic, I let that show <g> When it's not a story I'm that enthusiastic about, I try to focus on the parts I liked. I want to encourage other writers, but I won't lie. Fake praise doesn't let you grow.

This varies a bit depending on my mood at the time, of course.

4) If you are a writer too, do you feel offended when someone says they didn't like something on your story (or even your whole story)?
Heck no! As long as it's not horribly rude, which is very very rare around here. If something isn't working for a reader, I want to know about it. I might change the story, or clarify what I've already got, or not change a thing, but I pay attention to honest critique.

My goal as a writer is to connect to readers. If they can't tell what I'm saying, I'm doing something wrong. I know I can't please everyone, though, and in the crunch I want to go with the version *I* like <g>


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K