Oh, lord I started and now I can't stop....Heaven help us all...

There once was a young reporter
His world travels made him quite the explorer
Then he moved to the city,
Found a girl who was pretty,
And from then on he would just adore her.
There once was a man named Perry.
You wouldn't exactly call him merry.
But when you played something by Elvis,
He would rotate his pelvis,
And he would seem down right cheery.
There once was an amnesiac.
And the world was under attack.
An asteroid was falling,
His parents came calling,
And hit him till his memory came back.
Jimmy worked for The Daily Planet.
But he had a very bad habit.
When his friends would kiss,
Then start to undress,
He would show up and they would stop...damn it.
There once was a man called Dan.
He tended to think that he was the man.
He would talk down her friend.
Ugly gifts he would send.
Yet he was surprised when from him she ran.
There once was a woman named Lane.
By many she was thought insane.
The things she would do for a story,
Included dressing quite whore-y,
But at least no one could call her mundane.
There once a woman named Mindy.
To everyone she seemed down right ditsy.
She was actually quite smart,
Turning cunning into a form of art.
She would turn most men into her Patsy.
There once was a man who was Super.
He was the biggest Boy Scout Trooper.
He would make charity runs,
Save toys for nuns,
Though he looked a lot like Max Hooper.

"Madness is like gravity...it just takes a little push." ~The Joker