You know you're addicted when:

You print out so many stories that you're buying boxes of paper every two months.

You can refill the printer ink with your eyes closed.

It's essential to get your eyes examined because by the time you get to the end of a story everything is all blurry.

You have a stack of read stories that are too good to get rid of and too tall to file and you don't know what to do with them.

you turn stories over to print on the backs but you run out of paper before story, so you have to print on the back of another story, making it nearly impossible to every read the entire first story again.

You learn to read and drive at the same time

You ignore children who are camping beside you telling you that L&C aren't real, mom, they're not real. I'm real! PAY ATTENTION TO ME

You take stories to church and hide them in a church manual so you can read while the speakers are talking and only look like you're preparing a lesson.

you put up 20 hammocks in pretty spots throughout the woods just so you have places to be comfortable for reading LC stories when you're going for a walk...which you are only doing to make sure it doesn't look like you sit around reading all day!

You make sure you have enough pages of an unread story along whenever you go anywhere

You judge driving distance by how many pages it'll take to keep you occupied

you wonder why you're depressed, then realize it's because L&C are having a big fight in your current story

You're halfway through reading all the awarded stories in the archive and worry what you'll do when you get through the z's.

You feel out of the loop if you don't remember details of every story they chat about on mIRC

You organize your time around long story breaks

When people ask what you've been doing lately, all you can think to talk about is the stories you've read or how many pages you've written

when you don't mind losing your job because it'll give you more time to read anyway.

When you discover nature is so much bettter when you read as you walk

when winter and clouds don't bother you anymore, you can just stay inside and read without any silly excuses

when everything that is funny or that happens in RL can be woven into your current story

when you decide to go off it cold turkey, but you find you really can't, even when you want to.

It's always such an embarrassment. Having to do away with someone. It's like announcing to the world that you lack the savvy and the finesse to deal with the problem more creatively. I mean, there have been times, naturally, when I've had to have people eliminated, but it's always saddened me. I've always felt like I've let myself down somehow.