All of these had me cracking up, but I had to point out a few that made me glad I wasn't drinking anything at the time. :p

You really wanted the Democrate Party primaries to end up with Howard Dean & Wesley Clark, because you wanted that "Dean/Clark" bumper sticker

The kids at your kids' school know you as "the mom who likes Superman"
Pam!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!

You throw out all the green rocks or gems you have just in case it's Kryptonite
Sara! You too?! goofy One of my friends gave me some candy one day...some green powder candy...encased in a plastic Kryptonite chunk. I was just gave me Kryptonite! And she said, "'s a Superman thing...thought you'd like it." laugh

you have the opportunity to get a vanity plate for your car and you spend all day thinking up 7 letter combos that would work like Sup1Fan or Chumpy or FoLC soon as I get a new car (you know in a few years <g>) I'm putting SKFOLC on my license plate. goofy

You see something funny in the street and find yourself thinking "LOL"
That's me all the time, Paul!!

People hundreds of miles away whom you have rarely, if ever, seen in person have a better idea of what you do with your spare time than your own siblings

Someone asks you where a friend lives and you have to think for a sec to be sure you name the right country
LOL!! Me too! laugh

When your favorite story is up and your run to read it just to be the first one to post FDK so you are able to give it the title you want.
Me too, Erica!!

When people see you online and start hiding because they can't stand your nagging anymore.
No comment. wink

When you refuse to go out on Friday night because there are too many people on mIRC.
My sister says I have no social life. :rolleyes:

when a new trailer is a reason not to go to the movies
ROTFL Anna!!!

I didn't think I had anymore, but I ended up thinking of some. laugh

  • You miss class because you were busy chatting on IRC
  • You've read so much fanfic that when doing homework, you find yourself typing things like "behaviour" instead of "behavior"
  • You forget that for homework assignments you should use italics instead of asterisks
  • You take your WIP to work on when you go out to the bar to see your RL friends
  • You think your keychains are pretty darned cool because you have a Superman one *and* a Paris one...hello...Near Wild Heaven! goofy

Okay, I think I'm done for now. wink


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