Ooh, let me try! smile1

  • Every time you hear a song, you find yourself wondering about it's "trailer potential"
  • Every time your father turns on "Prarie Home Companion," you think of a FoLC and wonder if he is listening.
  • You read this list and find yourself going "yep, yep, did that, sometimes..."
  • You consider taking a long trip to a country that you used to have a slight phobia of because there's a possibility you might run into your friend, whom technically you've never even met.
  • You spend hours on end wondering of Kryptonian is one of those languages where the noun comes before the adjective.
  • Hearing the name "George" makes you burst into giggles
  • Hearing the name "Mike" fills you with the urge to write
  • You know that only one other person will get the above statement, but don't care because you're still high from reading someone-else's statement about L&C coming out on DVD
  • Not knowing who the Democratic Vice-presidential candidate is does't bother you, but you feel stupid because a show that was cancelled years ago might be coming out in disc form and you didn't know.
  • Chocolate makes you think of Lois Lane
  • Your house was flooded, but the fact that your new apartment now has internet is more exciting than the fact that you even *have* an apartment at all.
