...when you're involved in a story and you check back every five nutes to see if there's any new segments posted.

...when you've posted a story and you check back every five minutes to see if there's any comments posted.

...when a Superman related incident happens in the world and you check the message board every five minutes to see if there's a thread posted about it.

...when you think of a really cool LNC story plot and post it on the board and then check back every five minutes to see if anyone else commented about it.

...when you're really needy and you check the message board every five minutes to see if there's any new posts.
Damn... I won't admmit I am!

Let me see.

You know when you´re addicted when:

* You talk to the same FoLCs via mIRC, MSN, e-mail and boards.

*When you come to mIRC and people ask you how was the chicken pizza you went out to eat on the previous night.

*When you wake up and print your already 2X BRed story just to pick a few mistakes left before posting it.

*When you miss a test at university only because you were unable to attend it and read a part from your favorite story at the same time.

*When your favorite story is up and your run to read it just to be the first one to post FDK so you are able to give it the title you want.

*When people see you online and start hiding because they can't stand your nagging anymore.

*when you know you´re being a bore, but you can't help it.

*when you go through all the sections of the boards, trying to see which ones you haven't posted anything yet.

*when you post your own FDK thread just to count how many people posted FDK for you properly.

*when your favorites songs are the ones that FoLcs have made videos with.

*when you named your white teddy bear Clarkie and your sister's Jimmy even if she didn't agree with that.

*when you start calling your boyfriend, who wears glasses, CLark when he has them on, and Sups, when he's without them.

*When you refuse to go out on Friday night because there are too many people on mIRC.

*when your father goes to work in the morning, you distractively says good bye to him and when he comes back from work and says: You´re still on the computer?

*When your father starts telling everybody that you are a writer, but doesn't tell people what you write about.

*when your sister begs for the computer 'cuz she had to do an important research for university and you tell her: "Espera! O Clark vai dizer pra Lois que ele é o Superman!" (Trans: "Wait! Clark will tell Lois he is Superman!")

*when you´re virtually married to another FoLC. (Of the same sex though you´re straight.)

*When you post something this big, knowing you have to stop it although you have other thousands of things to list.

MDL. (Who´s definately not addicted. goofy )

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."