sorry for the unorthodox posting methods. it's like this: i'm on the road. won't be getting in for another couple days. didn't even expect to be online today. the hotel, however, has a LAN that (as far as i can tell, and i'm really really hoping i'm right) is free for guests. on top of that miracle, my laptop's ethernet card (despite all previous evidence to the contrary) actually does work.

so, i'm surprised to be able to log in, and at high speed, too. not sure when i'll be on again, either. i figured it'd be easiest to post everything now, on BR day. besides, the story is best read all at once, imo. i just split it into parts for convenience. it's a long story for me (50k!) and i figure most people like to have their story parts a little shorter.

personally, i'm most fond of the ending, so if you just finished plugging along through the beginning, i want you to know that i think it gets better later.

anyway, let me know what you think. consider yourselves BRs. if you have any comments or suggestions, tell me, here or privately.

guess that's it for now. i'm going to go build me a TOC .


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.